5 Benefits of Social Media for Your Small Business

Due to the sheer volume of users and potential reach, Facebook has become the largest online advertiser behind Google’s parent company, Alphabet. And they aren’t alone. Big business adoption of social media as a viable marketing channel has given brands unprecedented access to consumers and these platforms are responding. Social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, …

Are Your Customers About To Dump You?

I have had the same mobile (cell phone) company in the UK for around 25 years. However, I am about to leave them—and they don’t know it. With my imminent departure on the horizon, I wondered how do organizations avoid customer defection? It turns out that customers usually indicate they are going to leave, and …

Smart Cities: Smart Real Estate Strategies

With real estate prices peaking in the cycle, investors must look to the long term for outperformance. Understanding the evolution of global cities provides the best framework for alpha-generating real estate strategies in the current economic climate. We have discussed the opportunities created by smart technology such as blockchain before, but it is worth discussing …

Fintech and the power of Financial Inclusion in the developing world.

The industrial revolution was a revelation for many countries whose economies were able to advance at speeds not seen before. An unfortunate side effect of this was that the disparity between growth in the developed world and growth in the developing world, started to polarize exponentially at the same time and ultimately wealth and technical …

Real World Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used In Financial Services

In last few years, Artificial Intelligence has made the transition from a research topic to the early stages of enterprise adoption. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, a robot that defeats a world-renowned player, to a car that can parallel park itself, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today. But in several industries, much of …

A bank financing the 21st century economy must act as an accelerator of the energy transition

Since the international community became acutely aware of the need for urgent action to limit global warming, and 195 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world has embarked on a process of transition towards low-carbon energy. Switching from a high-energy-consuming economic system to a less energy-intensive, more sustainable model will require a balancing …

Is Bad Data Costing You Your Edge? Incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate data is holding you back.

Provider information fuels the marketing and sales efforts of life sciences organizations. It helps you focus your outreach efforts and uncover additional sources of revenue. Knowing which providers to approach and where to find them are critical pieces of information. The wrong records result in costly mistakes and missed opportunities. So it makes sense that …

The Big Miss in Customer Experience

Customer experience has surpassed omni-channel as the buzzword most mentioned in the retail industry.  It’s valid as there is no denying customer experience is King. Doug Stephens, The Retail Prophet shared at a recent conference that the Return on Experience can add as much as $244 million of incremental revenue for a big box retailer. Forrester research shows that companies …

Within sight, in front of mind!

The sixth principle of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development is “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation“. We have all experienced situations in which our not seeing the person we were speaking with resulted in a misinterpretation of what was being said. When …

Digital! Enabling us or influencing us: How human are our influencers?

It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are here. With information overload today, even living in the moment is getting difficult. Less than a decade ago, we were surprised when brands reached us on bulk-messaging services offering us products that we had recently shopped for. Now, most of us don’t bat an …