Risk Management or Compliance?

Is risk management taking a back seat to compliance? Risk management frameworks are often seen as a lower priority than the specific activities associated with compliance. In a busy commercial environment, it is easy to focus on complying with rules rather than implementing effective risk management. It is also easy to focus on a headline, …

Compliance Risk Management using MI

Management information (MI) to identify compliance related risks and issues within a financial services entity  can be wide-ranging.  Metrics such as KPIs and KRIs serve as risk management tools that can be used as an “early warning” signal, to address an issue before it increases in gravity.  MI can help uncover systemic issues and track …

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt Oracle Cloud

1. Oracle delivers a second-generation cloud: OCI is built for innovation, includes scalability, availability, integrated governance control and reliability backed by the end to end SLAs. OCI supports emerging technologies such as AI, ML, IoT, blockchain and human interfaces. OCI provides faster and more predictable performance, better pricing and security, and enhanced compatibility for enterprise …

Driving customer success with Oracle’s Partner Ecosystem

Oracle partners help ensure our customers have the solutions and guidance needed to achieve their desired business outcomes Over the past years, but especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen an acceleration in the pace at which organizations are looking to transform. Whereas in the past, some organization leaders thought moving quickly …

There is more legal technology in the market than you think

When we think of legal tech, we often are drawn to technologies relating to contract automation, document management systems, knowledge management systems, artificial intelligence and so many other buzz words. In my view, a lot of attention is given to these technologies, and rightly so, but this is often at the expense of overlooking a …

Legal tech: How To Gain The World Without Losing Your Soul

Business-to-business. Business-to-consumer. Soul-to-Soul. Two of these are well-known business models. But what about the third? Soul-to-Soul is a British R&B group formed in the late 80s. Maybe they came to mind given how most of us are eagerly waiting for the day when we can finally get “back to life, back to reality”. Perhaps though, …

What Healthcare Can Learn From The Apple Watch

Today, our healthcare system is making a drastic change from providing care as a service for the sick, to empowering and engaging people as partners and owners of their health and well-being. Take last month’s Apple news as an example. A device that was originally created for a seamless consumer technology experience now allows users …

How Digital Marketing Is Changing The World of Marketing

The Marketing world is constantly changing and improving every time. There are always new forms of marketing to keep consumers engaged and grow your company’s attention span. For companies to get more attention, they tend to make small changes to their brand to diversify their target with consumers and reach a broader group of consumers. …

Food Safety Management System in Retail and Food Service

As we continue to see the food and beverage industry change and grow, more risk and more challenges emerge. This is especially true for retail and foodservice operations. The vast number of suppliers and number of operating units that you need to manage makes it all the more important that you have a robust Food …

Risk & Responsibility: Is Your Corporate Board Prepared?

Those of you who know me or have been students of mine know that I constantly rant about the supreme importance of knowing and understanding the client’s business, in order to intelligently comprehend and appreciate the risks the business faces. Well, the same goes for the board of directors. Obtaining an understanding of the company’s …