The next era in aerospace supply chain evolution?

Shortly after becoming CEO of Ford Motor Co., former Boeing Commercial Airplanes chief Alan Mulally was asked if he was ready for the complexity of the automotive industry. “An automobile has about 10,000 moving parts, right? An airplane has 2 million, and it has to stay up in the air,” he reminded his Detroit audience. …

The future of aviation – how Vertical Aerospace has found a solution

I love travelling.  I still get excited going to the airport and the idea of being transported to a different place. I believe flying helps make our world a better place, connecting people, businesses and nations across the globe, building human, cultural and political understanding that lead to shared prosperity and peace. However, it’s increasingly …

How Fintech’s Are Raising Financial Literacy And Risk Awareness To Drive Financial Inclusion

According to the latest report from the World Bank, 1.7 billion population stands unbanked. Without access to formal financial services, these individuals cannot avail of social protection, save money and benefit from global asset inflation phenomenon that makes rich even more reacher leaving the poor behind. As a result, they risk losing out on basic …

Robots As A Service: A Technology Trend Every Business Must Consider

What is Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS)? Many are now familiar with the concept of software as a service (SaaS) or big data as a service (BDaaS), the pay-as-you-go or subscription-based service model. In a similar set-up, those who sign up for robots as a service get the benefits of robotic process automation by leasing robotic devices and …

Facts to Know about Robotic Process Automation

RPA stands for robotic process automation, which is an automation technology that uses robotics and/or artificial intelligence (AI). RPA is regarded as the future of automation testing, with a distinct methodology and numerous advantages. It differs from the conventional automation method, which is carried out with the help of a test automation tool such as …

BPA vs RPA vs Process Optimization 101

I often hear the terms Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) used interchangeably, and while they are both important to improving processes in an organization, they are different. I’ve also included an overview of Business Process Optimization (BPO) below to validate that it too has different strategies & outcomes. Here’s your 101 …

Cloud Computing Security

Cloud computing has quickly become a relevant technology within the information technology field over the past few years. This technology is powerful and useful but is a dual edge sword as security can become an issue quickly when placing data on web based storage servers. Information security is open broken up into C.I.A. (confidentiality, integrity, …

How Secure Is Your Cloud Storage?

The ubiquity of cloud computing and storage has been a major boon for businesses around the world. From increased process efficiency and cost savings to workplace flexibility, the cloud has delivered a completely new paradigm for how work gets done. Few organizations are not using the cloud in one way or another. Sharing a document …

IoT and Sustainability need each other

IoT is the mean that allows to connect physical objects to the cloud. The range of applications is broad, from individual sensors, to devices, vehicles, machines, buildings, factories, and entire cities. These connections unlock great potential as the data collected from physical objects can be used to increase knowledge, allowing the implementation of new business …

Digital Transformation in Energy Sector

Technology has been increasingly adopted by all major industry sectors over the last several years—and the energy industry is no exception. The energy sector has been an early adopter of digital technologies. In the 1970s, power utilities were digital pioneers, using emerging technologies to facilitate grid management and operation. Years ago, companies started by switching …