The Life of a CEO: Set the Direction, Communicate Often and Be Inspiring

Q. What were some lessons from earlier in your career that helped set you up to be a CEO? A. I tried a lot of different things and I moved laterally a lot. Instead of staying in one function, I jumped into new areas. I was really comfortable feeling really stupid for six months to …

Leadership or Management. Which is more Important?

Today, I received an email from someone who was upset saying “all you need to run an organization effectively is management and not leadership.” Well, this may work if your team is comprised of robots and if you don’t care about leaving a legacy. As soon as you hand in your resignation or retirement letter …

Leadership and Management

Leadership and management go hand in hand, they are different and yet also have massive overlaps in both meaning and application. The terms “leadership” and “management” are often used interchangeably. While there is some overlap between the work that leaders and managers do, there are also significant differences. Let’s look at some definitions to help, …

Leadership and influence: Why it matters more than ever

The recession had taken a toll on the industry, and I was working at a part-time “in-between” job when the call came through. I could hardly contain my excitement as I told my parents and friends the good news. I secured an interview for the following day. The idea of being a manager was so …

Influence in Leadership is vital to success!

Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. Leadership is influence. So how do you gain influence with those you lead? Each year/season I put together the best team I can to fulfill the vision and objectives our program has. By …

The Future of Healthcare is Here: CMS Launches Largest-Ever Multi-Payer Initiative

The US government did something monumental today. As an extension to the Affordable Care Act, they have put into place a new initiative that enables our doctors and health care teams to have the freedom to administer care in a way they think will deliver the best outcomes to you and me! You ask why …

What Healthcare Can Learn From The Apple Watch

Today, our healthcare system is making a drastic change from providing care as a service for the sick, to empowering and engaging people as partners and owners of their health and well-being. Take last month’s Apple news as an example. A device that was originally created for a seamless consumer technology experience now allows users …

Covid Epi Weekly: Harrowing Holidays

It’s hard to imagine a worse confluence. Cases are surging in much of the US. People are tired of the limitations the virus is imposing. Economic harm is real, painful, and persistent. And White House communications have continued to mislead, divide, and deny. Bottom line (almost) up front: there IS one thing that can stop …

A healthy outlook on Blockchain

In this article on The Blockchain in Healthcare, Andy Gaudette, SVP, HMS provides a clear overview of how Blockchain is vital to providing access and visibility into healthcare data to the patient — the most important entity of all. “If all my data were stored in a blockchain, that is securely distributed among many computers, and I was the …