The Life of a CEO: Set the Direction, Communicate Often and Be Inspiring

Q. What were some lessons from earlier in your career that helped set you up to be a CEO? A. I tried a lot of different things and I moved laterally a lot. Instead of staying in one function, I jumped into new areas. I was really comfortable feeling really stupid for six months to …

Leadership or Management. Which is more Important?

Today, I received an email from someone who was upset saying “all you need to run an organization effectively is management and not leadership.” Well, this may work if your team is comprised of robots and if you don’t care about leaving a legacy. As soon as you hand in your resignation or retirement letter …

Leadership and Management

Leadership and management go hand in hand, they are different and yet also have massive overlaps in both meaning and application. The terms “leadership” and “management” are often used interchangeably. While there is some overlap between the work that leaders and managers do, there are also significant differences. Let’s look at some definitions to help, …

Leadership and influence: Why it matters more than ever

The recession had taken a toll on the industry, and I was working at a part-time “in-between” job when the call came through. I could hardly contain my excitement as I told my parents and friends the good news. I secured an interview for the following day. The idea of being a manager was so …