I initially became an oncologist because, to me, treating cancer provided the biggest opportunity to make a difference for people. I learned quickly that the most valuable tool in treating this disease is knowledge, as each new patient presents with a list of unknowns. An oncologist’s investigations replace those unknowns with data—but the real key …
Tag Archives: lab-bottom
Four Ways Connected MedTech Will Make Medicine More Precise
Welcome to the Age of Medical Connectivity. Today there are more than 500,000 different types of medical devices—from imaging equipment and POC analyzers to implants and wearables—that are connected directly or indirectly to healthcare databases and networks. The power of these networked devices to turn data into faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatments is overwhelming. …
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Is the power of health technology outpacing laws and regulations?
On behalf of Philips I recently wrote a letter to Andrus Ansip, European Commissioner for Digital Single Market and Vice President of the European Commission. In this letter I share some of the shifts we believe are necessary to help moving towards a connected care needed to ensure a sustainable, patient-centered healthcare system. I thought it …
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The Pain of Change is Mandatory – it is the suffering that is optional
Now that I have grey in my beard (actually I have lot of grey in my beard) I often get asked how do I grow my career in IT and how should I approach my career development – the question often comes with the anticipation of receiving a secret magic key and a clear path …
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