What Healthcare Can Learn From The Apple Watch

Today, our healthcare system is making a drastic change from providing care as a service for the sick, to empowering and engaging people as partners and owners of their health and well-being. Take last month’s Apple news as an example. A device that was originally created for a seamless consumer technology experience now allows users …

The “Five Big Shifts”​ Coming Next to Clinical Trials

Many today are discussing how clinical trials will look differently after the pandemic. Innovative approaches that had been developed in recent years but were stalled in “experimentation” have been rapidly adopted over 2020 as pandemic counter-measures, and many organizations are now making commitments to embed these approaches into their clinical trial pipelines going forward. These …

3 Missed Opportunities in Telehealth

Are you overlooking these ways to engage more patients remotely? The use of telehealth skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, as both patients and doctors rapidly adopted the technology to minimize exposure risk while maintaining patients’ health. Telemedicine will likely wane after the height of the pandemic, experts predict, but usage will remain higher than before. …

Is the power of health technology outpacing laws and regulations?

On behalf of Philips I recently wrote a letter to Andrus Ansip, European Commissioner for Digital Single Market and Vice President of the European Commission. In this letter I share some of the shifts we believe are necessary to help moving towards a connected care needed to ensure a sustainable, patient-centered healthcare system. I thought it …

Real World Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used In Financial Services

In last few years, Artificial Intelligence has made the transition from a research topic to the early stages of enterprise adoption. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, a robot that defeats a world-renowned player, to a car that can parallel park itself, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today. But in several industries, much of …